Ramnagar Escort Girl
I work to spread happiness to people here…
LoreThey come to me to get their happiness, sharing bed with me is just a means of that, I work to spread happiness to people, now you can call her by any name, it doesn’t matter to me.” These are the words of a professional prostitute, a prostitute, yes, we all often call women who sell their bodies by this name, we know it.
But one such prostitute told me about her work very frankly and not only that, but she presented her work in front of me in a new way where if she was not proud of her work, then there was no resentment either, rather she very easily described herself as a means of spreading happiness to peoplet tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Recently, I got a chance to visit the red light area of a big city for a documentary film being made on prostitution and the condition of prostitutes. As is usually the case, we either look at such women with hatred or weigh them on the scale of helplessness. Here too, the situation was similar in the beginning. Most of the women were narrating their situation and all the difficulties in this business.
We all know that since escorts and high profile Escorts have adopted this work, the bad days of traditional brothel owners have started. Although they are also preparing their new generations for the digital world by taking them out of the traditional style, but still there are problems, because neither do they have that many facilities nor money, so it is their compulsion to stay connected to their roots in any case.
After talking to many women, I met a 25-26 year old girl, she was sitting outside her small room, ready. We started talking to her, she told us her name in a very cheerful manner and asked us a few questions like what are you doing, why are you doing this etc. It seemed that she was happy there, yes, you heard it right, she was happy.
But how can anyone be happy in such a hell like place but she proved our thinking wrong, my interest in her increased further, I wanted to know her story. She also started telling without hesitation, “I am from a small town in North India, we had a neighbor in my village, his daughter was my good friend. We both used to stay together for a long time, once one of his relatives came to his house, I fell in love with his son, both our families were not ready to accept it, so he ran away with me.
There were some people he knew here, we stayed there for a few days, he and I tried to find work but things did not work out. In a few days, all the money I had brought from home was over. Then things started getting difficult. We started fighting and my boyfriend even started beating me. People he knew suggested him about this business and said that if I agree, they will get customers but they will want commission in return.
My boyfriend explained me a lot and said that we have no other option except this, otherwise we will have to commit suicide or go back home. He said that he has no problem with me doing this. He will always support me if I get him out of this problem. I thought a lot and felt that if he is also with me, then what is the problem? Then I could not go back home and I was not willing to die. I had run away from home to live, why should I die now? So I made up my mind that it is okay, we will live like this.
My boyfriend and his friends started bringing customers for me, every day one customer would be brought and that day’s expenses would be covered, this went on for a few days but I was not able to save any money because after deducting the money for daily food, drink and commission etc., nothing was left. Then my boyfriend came to me with a new offer that he would sell me to a brothel and take a huge amount of money from there and start his work, then in a few days he would buy me back from there and take me back.
I accepted this too, he left me here and went away with the money, since then I am here. For a few days he used to come to meet me sometimes, then he stopped coming, then one day one of his friends came here and told me that he has settled down with another girl and has forgotten you, so you are going to stay here for now.

First I felt sad, I cried a lot but nobody wipes anyone’s tears here because everybody cries here, after being in shock for many days I thought what will I do by being sad, if I have to keep myself alive then this is my fate, what can anybody do. All wise people say that everything happens as per God’s will so how can I go against his will. Then I thought, God decides about everyone so maybe he has sent me here to spread happiness, so I work here to spread happiness to people. [Haldwani Escort]
My customers come here sad and go back happy after spending time with me, the world says I do business, yes I do business but the business of spreading happiness is not everyone’s cup of tea. We can make anyone sad but it is not easy to make someone happy and the God has chosen me for this work so I am happy with what I am doing and I am making others happy too. That day the confidence of that girl and her outlook towards life and situations really made me think that